User can interact with host application only after closing extension window. A Modal Dialog type opens a new extension window and forces the user to interact only with the extenison window before returning control to the host application.It can be docked, participates in workspaces, has fly-out menus, and is re-opened at start-up if open at shutdown. The Panel type behaves like any other application panel.You need to specify an extension's type in its manifest.xml.
These extension types are supported by CEP. Starting from CEP 4.0, HTML/CSS and JavaScript (ECMAScript 5) can be used to develop extensions. Extensions are loaded into applications through the PlugPlug Library architecture. CEP ExtensionsĬEP (formerly CSXS) Extensions extend the functionality of the Adobe point products in which they run. When we talk about CEP or CSXS, they refer to the same project. This cookbook is a guide to creating CEP 9.0 HTML/JavaScript Extensions for Creative Cloud applications.ĬSXS is the old name before CS6, and CEP (Common Extensibility Platform) is new name from CS6.